Filtering results Source semantas?q=smart product filtering An interesting solution, which is hard to find in most stores, is to place a form at this stage in which the customer can enter a missing item, which will serve as a suggestion to introduce a specific product or category to the assortment offer by the store. It is also worth adding product suggestions under the slogan recommend for you. A more classic solution can also be successfully us, such as the option to contact the store about the product you are looking for via chat, by phone or by e-mail. filtering results Source sal.toszukaj?q=multimeter smart search It is nothing more than the use of modern - although already.
Present in most product search engines in e-shops - autocomplete function. Suggest products are match to the phrases you type, and even change Japan WhatsApp Number List with each subsequent letter. This solution is a convenient facilitation for the customer, especially when he does not know the full name of the product and enters it, for example, without the name of the model or series. smart search Source spixel-shop In addition to specific products, propos on the basis of enter phrases, a good search engine should also show category hints. It is worth remembering, because sometimes the words enter do not refer to a specific product, but to the entire group or category.
Such solutions are possible thanks to the use of Smart internal search engines. smartsearch Source smiamarkt To sum up – an efficient product search engine is something that every online store should have. The development of technology enables the introduction of more and more intuitive and convenient solutions that translate into customer satisfaction and seller profits - so why not use them? CRO Checklist How to design effective website navigation?, You will read in ~ min. CRO Checklist ( ) Well-design navigation can determine the sales success of an online store. In a nutshell - it is a network of internal links, rirecting to individual elements within the page.