Online surveys are the right way to go if you can reach your target group with ease. Telephone Surveys in Market Research The advantage of telephone surveys is that it takes the least amount of time compared to other forms of surveys. Additionally, telephone interviews are much less costly than face-to-face surveys. For hard-to-reach target groups, high levels of utilization can be achieved through (personal) telephone contact. This survey format is especially suitable for target groups that are not easily accessible online. Written surveys in market research The main advantages of written surveys are their low cost, for example, compared to personal surveys, and their quick and easy processing. However, there is no control over the circumstances of the investigation. Also, there was no.
Opportunity to ask questions if any misunderstandings occurred. In market research, this form of survey is rarely used today. This approach is definitely a good idea if the target group is difficult to reach through other means. Personal Surveys in Market Research Face to Face Surveys Personal or face-to-face surveys are characterized by direct personal contact between the interviewer and tester. The interviewer not only connects with the subjects, but guides them through the testing situation. He asks questions verbally and records the participants' responses. Personal investigations are usually conducted on the street, in a shopping mall or at a leisure event. A particular advantage of face-to-face surveys is the opportunity to directly answer questions and difficulties encountered in direct contact. In addition, well-trained and experienced interviewers can draw more clues from the interviewee'.
Gestures, facial expressions, or language, among others. However, these options are offset by relatively high cost as a disadvantage. Individual surveys are especially useful for studies that require complex content to be explained to participants, or that require more attention to the participants. Surveys can be conducted at points of sale and test studios. In order to achieve the greatest response rate, it also makes sense to combine several survey methods. From our own experience, we can say that phone follow-up campaigns.